Friday, May 20, 2016

Proper Power Clean Form

One of the most widely asked about lift that the trainers and I have been seeing in the gym is how to perform the power clean lift properly

First, start off with your feet shoulder width apart and squat down and grab the bar. Make sure your back if slightly arched, your chest and eyes are up, and keep the bar close to your shins. Keeping your butt down, start to push off the ground with your legs and pull up on the bar, keeping the bar as close to your body as possible. As the bar gets raised past your knees, bring your hips forward and forcefully and quickly extend your hips and knees and shrug your shoulders, briefly standing on your toes. Once you get to the top you'll want to catch the bar on your shoulders by getting underneath it and bend your knees when you catch it, putting yourself in a slightly squatted position. Stand up, drop the bar carefully, and start over again.

This is a great full body lift that is beneficial for athletes as well as non athletes that I highly recommend once you get the form down. If you have any other questions feel free to ask us while you're at the gym. Happy training!

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