Sunday, May 29, 2016

Summer Olympic Lifting Competition

Greetings, lifters!

Today is the moment you have all been waiting for! I am announcing the gym wide lifting competition. Many people have come to me requesting that we have an olympic lifting competition, and I thought it would be a great idea to bring some healthy competition to the gym as well as bring our small community of lifters together. The competition will be held at the end of summer on Friday, August 26th. This will give you all time to prepare for the event. The competition will consist of bench press, power clean, clean and jerk, and squat. Open to the possibility of a pull up challenge, 225 bench rep challenge, etc. The competitors will be split up by gender as well as into age groups. This is the perfect time to ask for my or one of the trainers' help in how to perform these lifts correctly and safely. If you have any questions feel free to ask me or any of the staff. This is not an excuse to be performing lifts we are not proficient in and hurting ourselves because we are pushing ourselves past our limit. It is okay to ask for a spotter! I look forward to the competition and happy training!

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